Acupuncture for Insomnia and Sleep Apnea

Sleep is vital to our good health. "Sleep hygiene", the practice of protecting one's sleep through healthy habits and routines, has become a buzz term that reflects the stress and anxiety of modern life, and the growing awareness of how they can negatively impact our precious sleep. Today we discuss two of the biggest sleep disorders, insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), along with a natural and effective solution that is available in our clinic: acupuncture.

Real research

Acupuncture, a cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicine, is a low-risk, simple treatment that has been shown to help treat insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). While acupuncture remains an understudied science, there have been many studies that show its effectiveness.

An article published in the Journal of Chinese Medicine in October 2023 described positive results in treating obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) with acupuncture. Another study showed that acupuncture can provide effective, short-term relief for chronic insomnia.

And a meta-analysis of studies done on acupuncture and OSA found the results to be generally positive. Sleep disturbances can result in daytime drowsiness, irritability, weight gain, and depression — so time spent investigating your own sleep needs is time well-spent. While conventional medicine offers medications, many folks seek natural, drug-free solutions like acupuncture. 


Insomnia can have many causes. While many people think of insomnia as trouble falling asleep, it can also manifest as trouble staying asleep and waking easily. Things like pain, menopause, stress, anxiety, and even what you eat or drink can cause insomnia, although many times the cause is unknown.

While the internet is full of tips to help combat insomnia, including many beneficial tips from the Mayo Clinic, sometimes the solution is not so easy and it becomes necessary to seek outside support. We’ve discussed the value of massage for insomnia. Acupuncture is another effective treatment that we now offer our patients at Parkside. 

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

About 39 million adults in the U.S. have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a condition that causes one's airway to partially or completely collapse while sleeping, cutting off airflow and oxygen to the body. Sleep apnea can harm the heart and the brain. Over the long term, OSA can have a seriously detrimental effect on one's health. (Central Sleep Apnea is a much less-common condition where the brain doesn't send signals to the muscles that control breathing.) 

There are many factors that increase one's risk of sleep apnea (age, gender, genes, and weight), but even infants and athletes can have sleep apnea. If you find yourself excessively tired during the day or falling asleep easily during the day, or people have told you that you snore, it's worth asking for a sleep study to look for OSA. Nowadays, there are home kits you can do easily, and many insurance companies pay for them. 

Tips for a Successful Acupuncture Experience:

Acupuncture has been shown to be almost immediately effective for insomnia, and to help treat OSA very quickly. Repeated sessions will have the most benefit for both of these conditions. Here are some things you can do to maximize the effect of your acupuncture sessions:

  • Be open and honest: Communicate openly with your acupuncturist about your sleep concerns, medical history, and any medications you're taking. OSA especially can be a condition that people are afraid to admit they might have, but just remember that people from all walks of life have OSA. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, and not treating it can have devastating effects on your heart and brain. 

  • Manage your expectations: Acupuncture is not a quick fix. Consistency is key. Be patient and allow time to see results. Your clinician may ask to see you more often at first. 

  • Communicate during treatment: Let your acupuncturist know if you experience any discomfort during the treatment.

  • Avoid stimulants and drugs before your session: Acupuncture works best when your clinician can get a baseline reading of your pulse and vitals. Caffeine and other substances can interfere with those readings, and they can also make it harder to relax during what could be one of the most relaxing parts of your week. 

Come visit us at Parkside

Come see our expert team at Parkside Clinic where we tailor our care to your specific condition and tap into your body’s natural healing ability. Make an appointment, or if you have any questions, contact us.