Our society is at its most sedentary point in all of human history. Movement used to be an essential part of our survival, but in the past few decades more jobs require less activity. We’ve gone from strolling through the jungle to scrolling through spreadsheets and Instagram. Nothing wrong with that, except that it’s, um—killing us.
Strike a pose
If yoga was just about the poses, we would all be considered yoginis—since we’re all in one pose or another, 24/7. Am I right? But yeah—of course yoga is about more than just holding an arbitrary pose.
But take a moment to see your average day through that lens. What poses are you in throughout the day? Each day the average American is sitting or laying down for about 21 hours. Wowza.
So, okay—we’re awesome at this version of “chair pose.” Is it harmful? Yes. There are many physical, mental, and emotional consequences:
What if I have to sit everyday?
Whether you’re recovering from an injury, sitting in your car, or working at a desk for large parts of the day, there are ways to make adjustments for the health of your body. If you have to work at a desk for a lot of the day, check out our post on Lively Homes for ideas about how to encourage movement in your home and work spaces.
If you can’t avoid sitting in a chair, there are ways to help make it more ergonomic. Just becoming aware of how you are sitting and where you are holding tension is a great place to start.
Sitting on the floor can help you maintain the natural curvature of your spine and engage your muscles.
But the key is to move frequently, at least every 30 minutes. Your muscles tend to not be as engaged on a chair as in many positions sitting on the floor. Even a slight bit of engagement can be very beneficial in the long run.
“Movement is the best way to ward off back pain.”
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