While nothing can replace professional chiropractic and massage therapy, there are some things you can do at home to aid with healing and boost the results you experience from your care at Parkside Clinic.
This video walks you through a short self-massage routine to address neck tension. It’s empowering to be able to take care of yourself when you have particularly bad pain or when you can’t make it to an appointment for a while.
Yin yoga
Yin yoga is slow, meditative style of yoga that aims to benefit deeper connective tissues, especially around joints, like fascia and ligaments. Many people find it very relaxing, and this alone might be its biggest benefit. As we discussed a few weeks ago, managing stress is one of the most important aids to healing.
Spending 2-5 minutes settling into each pose can be the right pace for those of us recovering from an injury or dealing with chronic illness.
Get yourself a tennis ball
It’s an inexpensive and versatile tool you can use to massage many parts of the body. Massaging muscles increases blood flow and decreases tension. Here are 9 ways to reduce knots using a tennis ball.
“ About 80% of adults experience pain in their back at some point in their lives. About 90% of cases of back pain are temporary, and people make a full functional recovery within 12 weeks of onset of their symptoms.”
McKensie exercises
Ask your provider if McKensie exercises might be a useful addition to your care between visits. Safety first—these exercises are only for those of us who don’t have serious spinal conditions and have not had back surgery. Proceed slowly and listen to your body.
The exercises have been shown to be effective for short-term relief for some patients. This instructive article will give you a solid introduction to eight of the moves.
Do I move or do I rest?
Well, the experts at the Mayo Clinic say, “Do both“. Get plenty of rest, but move gently, as much as you can throughout the day. Take walks. Don’t just lie still on the couch or in bed. We’re all unique, so again, consult with a specialist to find a routine that’s right for you.
Come visit us at Parkside
These self-care techniques can be an effective addition to your chiropractic and massage sessions at Parkside, and help you maintain mobility between visits. Come see our expert team at Parkside Clinic where we tailor our care to your specific condition and tap into your body’s natural healing ability. Make an appointment, or if you have any questions, contact us.