Rise and Shine: Get Up and Get Down

Summer in the Pacific Northwest is a magical time of year, which brings an opportunity to dry out and get some much-needed sunshine. Summertime means picnics, concerts and movies in the parks, working in the garden, playing on the beach, and other activities that all have one thing in common: getting up and down from the ground.

Strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination

Getting up and down from the ground is a fundamental human movement that often goes overlooked. This seemingly simple action is a complex interplay of strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. As we age or experience physical limitations, this everyday task can become increasingly challenging and even painful. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of this movement, common challenges, and practical strategies to improve your ability to rise and shine.

Even though it can be uncomfortable at first, it's important to devote some regular time to practice. This helps with:

  • Injury prevention: Strong and flexible muscles help to absorb shock and reduce the risk of falls.

  • Independence: The ability to get up and down easily contributes to a sense of independence and confidence. 

  • Overall health: Regular movement — even if it’s baby steps — helps improve circulation, flexibility, and balance.

Rising to the challenge: Stretching and strengthening exercises

Several factors can hinder your ability to get up and down: Tightness in the hamstrings, calves, and ankles; weak core muscles; decreased lower body strength; and pain in the knees, hips, or back.

Here are a few simple stretching and strengthening exercises to help.

Of particular importance for getting up and down are the hamstrings, hip flexors, and lower back. Stretches like downward dog, butterfly, and gentle spinal twists are good places to start. We can also guide you through a personal routine at your next Parkside visit. Remember, a little bit consistently is better than a lot on occasion.

Building strength in key muscle groups is vital for supporting your body weight and executing the movement smoothly. Incorporate these exercises into your routine:

  • Squats strengthen your legs, hips, and core.

  • Lunges improve balance and leg strength.

  • Bridge pose targets the glutes and hamstrings.

  • Plank enhances core stability.

  • Standing on one leg improves balance, leg strength, and core strength.

Start with a few repetitions and gradually increase the number as you get stronger. You can also try incorporating these into your daily routine. For example, stand on one leg whenever you do dishes, or do squats when you brush your teeth. Here are some fun ideas for how to make your home more exercise friendly, 

The sit-to-stand test

As you age, a simple yet informative test to assess your functional fitness is the sit-to-stand test, which involves sitting up and then standing up from the floor without using your hands or knees for support. A higher score indicates better overall health and longevity. Give it a try — it’s been shown that age, weight, and gender have little correlation to your ability to pass this test!

Additional tips

The very best practice is actually getting up and down off the floor. You can use furniture to help you at first. Go slow and aim for smooth movements with good posture. Here are some additional tips:

  • Bend your knees on the way down: This helps to lower your center of gravity and distribute weight evenly.

  • Wear supportive shoes: Proper footwear can enhance balance and stability.

  • Consider assistive devices: In some cases, using a cane or walker can provide additional support. It's common to resist these aids, but if the alternative is injury, then using an assistive device is the better option.

  • Stay hydrated: Proper hydration helps maintain joint lubrication and overall well-being.

Mastering the art of getting up and down is a really valuable skill that contributes to overall well-being and independence, and can enhance your quality of life. By incorporating just a few stretching and strengthening movements into your routine, you can improve your ability to perform this fundamental movement with ease and confidence.

Remember, consistency is key and it will get easier very quickly. With regular practice and patience, you can overcome challenges and enjoy the benefits of a stronger, more independent body. 

Come visit us at Parkside

Come see our expert team at Parkside Clinic where we tailor our care to your specific condition and tap into your body’s natural healing ability. Make an appointment, or if you have any questions, contact us.