Making Work from Home Work for You

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As we pass the one-year mark of the COVID-19 pandemic, we reflect on all the changes this last 13 months has thrown our way. As chiropractors, we are seeing changes as well. Those changes come in the issues our patients are experiencing. In this blog, I want to share with you the musculoskeletal  issues that arise from work from home and how Parkside Clinic is Southeast Portland is your chiropractor of choice.

As we pass the one-year mark of the COVID-19 pandemic, we reflect on all the changes this last 13 months has thrown our way. As chiropractors, we are seeing changes as well. Those changes come in the issues our patients are experiencing. In this blog, I want to share with you the musculoskeletal  issues that arise from work from home and how Parkside Clinic is Southeast Portland is your chiropractor of choice.

In recent months, our staff has seen a large increase in musculoskeletal symptoms related to poor work ergonomics. Our patients are complaining more about low back pain from sitting in a chair that is not supportive. Mostly we have seen an uptick in neck and upper back complaints. 

In addition, neck and upper back tension, pain, and increased headaches are common complaints. Patients are also experiencing some upper extremity complaints due to reaching and mouse use.    

The primary problems that result from working at a desk that isn’t ergonomically correct can be muscle hypertonicity and the development of myofascial trigger points, tender areas in the muscle that can cause increased pain locally and referred pain to the head or extremities. Additionally, postural changes can have a negative long-term effect on spinal alignment,  skeletal movement, and joint function.

If you find yourself working at home still – and for the near future – make sure that the ergonomics of your space are correct. Secondly, take breaks to move and stretch every hour. This should include the neck, upper back, and low back.  There are lots of apps out there to remind people to keep moving during the workday – these are helpful!

At Parkside Clinic, we address the many musculoskeletal aches and pains through treatment of the muscles and joints (chiropractic and massage, of course!) of the body, as well as addressing specific ergonomic and postural issues with patients, showing specific stretches as well as strengthening of specific muscle groups.  

Our patients here in Southeast Portland know we can provide them with the best care – especially during these unprecedented times. If you need chiropractic care or therapeutic massage, be in touch. We are trained and ready to help you live (and work) your best life.