Even the Buddha might have had back pain, according to some scholars It's a humbling part of the human condition to deal with physical pain and limitations. And it's natural to wonder whether extra belly weight causes back pain, so we wanted to speak to that question today.
Protruding belly might be due to pelvic tilt
First off, do you really have extra belly weight? If you spend a lot of time sitting, you may have developed a pelvic tilt. A pelvic tilt can push your belly and your bottom out when you’re standing. You may then think you’re carrying more weight around your middle than you really are.
If you’re not sure, come on into the Clinic, and we’ll assess your posture. We can see if your pelvis is tilting forward or backward and get you on the path to a balanced posture. If you have back pain, a misaligned pelvis could be the cause.
How much weight is too much weight?
You can be technically overweight and still be healthy. Being overweight increases your probability of having health challenges, but doesn’t mean you definitely will have health issues.
Men carry extra weight differently
It’s interesting to note that due to biology, men carry their extra weight differently than women. Women tend to add extra weight to their legs, while men carry extra weight around their bellies. Extra weight below the hips has less of an effect on the spine. So men who are overweight could see more back issues than overweight women.
If I lose some weight, will my back pain vanish?
The short answer is no, probably not. But slowly becoming more active, keeping your weight in the recommended range, and adopting healthy postural habits can all work in tandem to help alleviate back pain.
Exercises for when moving is difficult
Just in time for the New Year, we wrote a pretty good article about adopting healthy habits and ditching unhealthy ones. You’ll need to learn how to outsmart your brain if you want to embrace a new exercise regimen for longer than a day or two. If you’re not super active, you’ll want to start with gentle workouts.
“Avoid excess weight, especially around the waist, which puts a strain on your lower back.”
Come visit us at Parkside
Come see our expert team at Parkside Clinic where we tailor our care to your specific condition and tap into your body’s natural healing ability. Make an appointment, or if you have any questions, contact us.