Our neighbor Joe developed a bulging disk in his spine that eventually made it hard for him to stand for longer than a few minutes at a time. Reluctantly, he visited a spine specialist and was told he needed back surgery. Fortunately for Joe, his family urged him to get a second opinion, and he was able to recover without having the surgery. Many experts agree that surgery should be your last resort, but what other options are there?
When is surgery needed?
As America ages, more of us will experience pain due to the natural degeneration of spinal cartilage that comes with age. But the Mayo clinic says back surgery is rarely necessary.
Even after back surgery, many people continue to have pain in their backs. Mayo’s advice: “Before you agree to back surgery, consider getting a second opinion from a qualified spine specialist.”
This 2014 study noted that since the 90s the number of spine surgeries, and costs associated with back pain have rapidly increased. The authors say, “Spine surgeries are associated with little evidence for improved population outcomes, yet rates have increased dramatically.“
Everyone agrees that for the right patient, at the right time, spine surgery can lead to a successful outcome. But experts often seem to be saying, “try everything else first, and always get a second or third opinion.“
Who you see first matters
The same study produced this remarkable statistic:
When a surgeon or M.D. is a patient’s first point of contact, the likelihood of surgery is 42%.
When a chiropractor is a patient’s first point of contact, the likelihood of surgery is less than 2%.
As we noted in our What is Chiropractic? article, chiropractors assess patients carefully and are ready to refer them to other health care providers. But many times a combination of chiropractic care and self-care is sufficient.
“Estimates suggest that 10-40% of lumbar spine surgery patients experience persistent post-surgical pain (PPSP). PPSP is associated with 50% greater healthcare costs, along with risks of emotional distress and impaired quality of life.”
The bottom line
Use the preventative techniques we’ve discussed before. If you do have persistent back issues, consult with a trusted chiropractor first and try several back-surgery alternatives before considering back surgery.
Come visit us at Parkside
Come see our expert team at Parkside Clinic where we tailor our care to your specific condition and tap into your body’s natural healing ability. Make an appointment, or if you have any questions, contact us.